
Privacy Policy
Processing of personal information

1. Introduction always strives to protect and respect your privacy - and it is always our intention and goal to treat personal data properly and appropriate. With this Privacy Policy, we want to inform everyone visitors to our digital channels (including our website, users of online payment sites and followers on social media) as well partners, customers and potential customers, about which personal information processed by

Our ambition is that your personal information is processed securely and properly taking into account appropriate technical security and organizational measures. This means that we use user and access control, firewalls, and that we continuously train our employees in IT security, and that our partners participate in ensuring data security.

Processing of personal data takes place in accordance with applicable legislation on personal data, including the Data Protection Act. Present policy applies to all Smiling dating´s   restaurants.

What is personal information?

Personal information is any kind of information about an identified or identifiable natural person. That is, it is all forms for information that may directly or indirectly relate to a person. It can be, for example, name, address, phone number and in Smiling dating’s Family Club also date of birth, and age. &Nbsp;

What processing of personal data does Smiling Dating perform?

Everything Smiling Dating does with personal information is referred to as treatment, whether this is done automatically or manually. It applies for example. collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, collection, reading, use, disclosure of transmission, transmission, adjustment or interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.

2. Processing Personal Information in Smiling Dating

2.1 What personal information is collected?

When you visit or use our websites, our apps and other digital channels or communicate with us via digital channels or by telephone, we collect information about you. We register and uses different types of personal information depending on which products, promotions or services you are interested in.

  • Basic personal information - e.g. your name, yours contact information and your date of birth.
  • Information about the services and products we provide to you, including how to use them and your preferences in this regard.
  • Trade History / Trade Information

Smiling Dating has placed so-called "cookies" in several of our digital channels. These cookies are used to collect information about how you uses the digital channel. You will find more information on which ones cookies Smiling Dating has placed in the digital channels and about how you deletes these cookies at this link.

2.2 Personal Data to Third Parties
We do not pass information to a third party. We do not use your information for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy.

Smiling Dating can use external partners / suppliers (and data processors) to perform tasks on behalf of Smiling Dating as for for example, arranging shipments from WEB SHOP, IT hosting and marketing activities.

External partners for Smiling are via data processor agreements subject to the same requirements for security and duty of protection as stated in this policy.

It is our responsibility to ensure that your personal information does not become abused. That is why we place high demands on our partners when your personal information is used by others than Smiling Dating, and ours partners must guarantee that your personal information is protected.

Whether or not we pass on your personal information to business partners, which has a place of business in countries within or outside the EU, we have entered into agreements with them in order to ensure that their level of personal data protection complies with applicable law.

Whether or not we pass on your personal information to business partners, which has a place of business in countries within or outside the EU, we have entered into agreements with them in order to ensure that their level of personal data protection complies with applicable law.

If it becomes relevant with partners outside the EU (in third countries), special security measures will be taken, including agreements which contain standard contractual provisions for transfer of personal data approved by the European Commission and available on the European Commission's website.

If you visit or communicate with us via social accounts media, ie third-party platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, Smiling Dating can receive information about your profile and your interactions at the third-party platform from its provider.

Smiling Dating also passes on information to others when needed to be able to fulfill agreements with you. This can for example be in in connection with order placement, where Smiling Dating passes on information to your bank to complete an order.

2.3 What is the purpose of the processing of personal data?

We record and use personal information about you for several reasons. The personal information that is collected and processed about you and as stated above under pkt. 2.1, are processed by Smiling Dating or their respective data therapists in order to be able to offer you the best and most relevant offers - and sort less relevant information and campaigns from. This means that we register and use yours personal data for the following purposes:

  • To be able to secure targeted and relevant campaigns and offers.
  • To be able to communicate with you in connection with contact via online booking and booking systems, and social media account.
  • To be able to analyze and group guests and potential guests by choices, priorities and preferences so that we can better target our marketing efforts, recommendations, product offerings / product development, offers and promotions etc.
  • To be able to maintain, develop, test and improve our systems, such as newsletters, online ordering, etc.
  • Marketing purposes, including for marketing per. mail and Email.

In the future to be able to keep you informed about promotions, offers etc. our service depends on your data being accurate and up to date, we ask you to inform us about relevant changes to your information via the link at our website or contact us at
Your consent is, of course, voluntary. If you regret, you have the opportunity easily withdraw your consent by contacting us to unsubscribe.  

2.4 Legal basis and legitimate interest in the treatment of personal information

Smiling Dating processes your personal information in accordance with applicable law legislation. We therefore only process your personal information in connection with it with:

  • It's necessary to fulfill an agreement with you, including answer your inquiries to us.
  • We have consent in the form of your confirmed enrollment.
  • Direct marketing and owner book information for investor inquiries. We only record and use your personal information if our purpose clearly outweighs your interest in not doing so.

3. How long do we process your personal information?

We therefore store your personal information for as long as your membership maintained and we provide a service or product. We will delete yours personal data when there is no longer a contractual basis to treat them. The storage period is determined according to the obligations Smiling Dating at all times may be subject to applicable law and public authorities such as Tax and to internal audit purposes, as well as to ensure documentation.

4. Security of privacy

Smiling Dating wants to ensure high security around the protection of your personal data and we therefore have relevant technical and IT security measures to protect your personal information against for example, unauthorized access, alteration and destruction.

5. Restrictions on the delivery of personal information

We do not immediately pass on any information from our systems and databases, unless there is information required by law, in the form of reports to authorities.

6. Access to your personal information and right to complain

You are entitled, under applicable law, to any any time to request access to the personal data that we registers on you. Furthermore, you can always request:

  • Correcting incorrect personal information.
  • To resign from Smiling Dating's Family Club.
  • To have your personal information processed by

If you wish to take one or more of the above actions, please contact or register your withdrawal via relevant links on the website and in newsletter.

7. Processing of personal information about children

Smiling Dating collects can through registration of family members and their birthdays have personal information from children under 18 - and that it is assumed that registration takes place with the guardian's consent. If you become aware that a child has provided us with personal information without parents or guardians consent, please contact us at 

8. Contact Information

If you have questions about   treats your personal information or want information and contact information about it data controllers in Smiling Dating, please feel free to contact us at or by mail to:

Att .:

9. Complaints to the Danish Data Protection Agency

If you want to complain about Smiling Dating processing of your personal information, you can lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 Copenhagen K, telephone: 33 19 32 00, e-mail: ,

10. Modification of this Privacy Policy

We update this policy when we deem it necessary example when we offer new services or changed offers and functions. The latest version of the Privacy Policy is always available at Privacy Policy .

This version has been approved and published October 02, 2020.

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