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Relationships without sex

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We have asked former psychotherapist and couples therapist Kirsten Ahlburg

If you want a No Sex relationship, check "No Sex" in your profile - - there are others who want a No Sex partner.

It can be some absolutely amazing feelings and experiences you get with sex. But what does it do if one can not talk to each other, and no closeness have? Sexuality is a very small part of the relationship and does not have to be crucial to how close one is. I have had many couples in therapy who have no once could look each other in the eyes even though they were married and had a well-functioning sex life. You can easily be a married couple who love each other, care each other, crush, kiss and have a lot of body contact, but where the sex life is closest not existing. And it's a far better marriage than a marriage where one have a bubbly sex life, but can not talk to each other, ”says Kirsten Ahlburg.

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According to the former couple therapist, it is taboo to say that one in a fast relationships have no sex life. She has experienced many there in a longer relationships have had a hard time maintaining the famous spark, and that sex drive and the lack of the same is a sensitive issue. For many, it is because of closeness and love lacks space in sex life, she believes.

”There are a lot of people who do not have eye contact when they have sex. There is very many who do not say some loving things to each other when they have sex. Instead, they go directly into desire. I've also been out for someone - a bit like in the book and movie "Fifty Shades of Gray" - which uses sex toys and is experimental, but who can not figure out to have closeness with each other afterwards, ”says Kirsten Ahlburg.

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Can you maintain closeness and intimacy without sex? has a checkbox called " NO SEX " - There are many who are looking for a relationship without SEX - - or a relationship where there is lots of love   but where sex life is virtually non-existent

”It is always what is said - that sex and intimacy are connected. And there is of course also many who have closeness in the sex life, but you can do that too get through the deep conversation, in the hug, in the kiss, in the eye contact. You can do well talk really well together and be soulmates, even if Sex is missing. It thinks so you, we will learn in the future.”

When you ask Kirsten Ahlburg why love and relationships lie her so much on her mind, she replies that she sees the relationship as a foundation in life. The 59-year-old author himself has gained some personal experience around the relationship as she has been married three times and among other things been in a relationship of infidelity. Despite the fact that Kirsten Ahlburg believes that traditional relationships are threatened, she looks forward to the future as she experiences that the younger part of the population to a greater extent than before is ready to find the knuckle fat.

”In my last years as a couple therapist, I experienced how the couples struggled a little more for each other than 20 years ago when I started. It's as if that the next generation of couples have experienced their parents getting divorced and therefore will not expose their own children to the same. ” 

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If you want a relationship without sex, check it in your profile - - there are others who want the same without sex.